Best Practices that must know to secure your Angular Application

The global digital transformation is both a blessing and a curse for businesses that build software.  Digital transformation is similar to what George Westerman famously compared it to: “When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.” Businesses have benefited from digitalization in many ways, but it has also raised concerns about threats to the enterprise’s protected data wall. Especially in frameworks like Angular, applications, and websites are in the open, giving free passes to attackers who develop new strategies to exploit the software if there is any vulnerability or weak spot. A long-running debate about Angular Security intrigues many developers. Although AngularJS development services have a lot of advantages for the client project, it also has a lot of weaknesses that make it susceptible to different cyber-attacks.

Read More At – Best Practices that must know to secure your Angular Application

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