How Blockchain is a Game-changing Technology for Real Estate Industry?

Blockchain technology is used to maintain an ever growing list of records across a network of computers. These transactions include anything, like the deposits/withdrawals or the records created when a property is purchased, or sold. What makes this technology unique from a regular database is that records are added permanently. In real estate, a verifiable … Continue reading How Blockchain is a Game-changing Technology for Real Estate Industry?

4 Ways In Which Big Data Analytics Can Benefit From Blockchain

The history of Blockchain dates back to 2008 when it emerged as the technology that powered up the Bitcoin. Today, ten years down the line, Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency while blockchain too is revered as one of the most disruptive technologies. The technology, in fact, has come a long way as it is … Continue reading 4 Ways In Which Big Data Analytics Can Benefit From Blockchain